Friday, September 21, 2007

Zoo Fun!!!

Last Saturday we celebrated Noah and Micah's birthdays at the zoo. Noah turned 7 and Micah turned 2. It was an absolutely beautiful day, and we had a great time. Fittingly the party had a Diego motif. Ty especially liked the Diego suckers or as he calls him "De" and the cupcakes as you will see in the picture. I promise I feed him veggies at home! To incriminate myself more I must admit that Ansley got a very slight sunburn on her nose and cheeks and I felt like I was going to be on the news with Brittany Spears this week. Oh well, I'll do better next time. I wanted to share a few pics from the day. As you can see Ty and Ansley were out cold in their car seats on the way home. It was pretty cute.

1 comment:

Misty George said...

Looks like you all had a great time at the zoo. I cant believe that Ty is about to turn two.