Thursday, August 02, 2007

Not Merely a Flesh Wound

This picture truly does speak a thousand words. Ty attacked his sister last week before I could stop him and left this wound. The whole ordeal was devastating. I had to give Ty a major spanking after she stopped bleeding. I say all this to say that I had a moment last week where parenthood changed for me. It became glaringly evident to me that parenting is not for sissies. It is hard and heartbreaking even at this young age. It is a wonderful thing, but there are days when it just isn't fun. I also realized the tremendous responsibility we have to teach them right from wrong and help them become who God intends them to be. I knew all of this in my mind before I had kids, but now it is real and internalized. I can only imagine how many of these moments I will have over the next many years, but I wanted to remember this one. On the bright side, Ansley's face is healing nicely and Ty has improved a little on the hitting. Ansley can use this picture someday to make him feel guilty!

1 comment:

Jenny said...
