Monday, September 03, 2007

Hooray! I Can Sit in my Bumbo!

Ansley is getting bigger everyday. Now she is sitting up in her bumbo chair. She turned 4 months old on Saturday. She is doing well. Here are some pictures of her sitting in her chair and some other recent family pictures.


April Kay said...

Oh, she's such a pretty little girl! :) And, your dad is the cutest, with his little ribbon all up on his shoulder! I just listened to your message, and I didn't even know you called yesterday! It didn't show up on my phone. I'm feeling better, I was just having these weird stomach issues and was so tired the whole weekend. I have some of my energy back now, just in time for being back at school. :) I'm sure the day wasn't nearly as fun without the Moores'. Hee hee!! Luv ya.

Anonymous said...

Hey I saw that you had her in the Bumbo. Emma used her's a lot. They make a tray for it at Toysrus. It is a great addition. Especially since Emma is so small. We use it to feed snacks to her still. Just wanted to let you know that it is out there.

Rachel Zook and Emma

Holly said...

It is hard to believe that she is already ready for a bumbo seat! Man, the time sure does fly! Great pictures, she has already changed so much and Ty, well he is always so cute! That hubby is pretty cute himself!

chris anne said...

love that first picture. she sure does love that seat. campbell actually said her name when we looked at the pictures this time. of course, it sounded more like ansy than ansley, but he'll work on it.