Friday, August 07, 2009


At the beginning of the summer I signed the kids up for gymnastics one morning a week. At the time I had the insane notion that this summer was going to be boring and was looking for something to occupy our time one day a week. Well, that turned out to be a laugh, but the gymnastics class still ended up being a great thing for the kids. It has really helped with their coordination and confidence. They love going. Ansley especially talks about it all the time. These pictures are from our classes yesterday and today. Today was a make-up class for one we missed. This was our last class of the summer. I think we will take a break for the school year since things are about to get busy, but hopefully we can do this again in the future. I know they will be sad when they realize that it is over!
The Long Black Trampoline
The Pit
Yes, she did this by herself.
Monkey Boy
Sideways Walk
She got really good at flips.
Balance Beam


Jenny said...

I can't believe her! You may have a gymnast on your hands.

Sarah Ezell said...

Now that I think about it, she would be a perfect little gymnast! Cute pictures :)