Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Christmas Morning 2010

If you have known Brian and I for very long you know that we both have large families. You also know that we adore them and enjoy spending lots of time with them. At Christmas time we are constantly around extended family members, and it is such a blessing. However, Christmas morning is the one time that we have just as our little family. I treasure those sweet few hours every year. We get up and see what Santa brought, I cook breakfast, and then we play with the new toys the kids opened. It is so much fun. For all the days that I wonder if I will survive the years of the kids being so little, there are these beautiful days when I just want so badly to freeze them right here at these ages. They get so excited about the little things. They still think their parents are great. They trust, and love, and play wholeheartedly. Things are more simple now than they will be when the diapers and baby food and preschool days are over. Christmas morning this year was one of those times where I was just overwhelmed with thankfulness for my family, and I tried to soak up every moment and live only in the present.

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