Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ansley's First Bath, Sassy Dress, etc.

Okay, so before you have me reported, these first bath pictures are very old and were taken before the beach. I have been having a hard time making time for blogging lately, but here is a long overdue update. Ansley is growing fast. She is very cute and even started laughing this week. She has had a milk allergy and reflux to deal with so she has had a rough first couple of months, but she is improving. We are enjoying having a little girl around. I wondered if I could ever love another one as much as I love Ty and the answer is YES! I love them both so much it hurts. Here are several photos of Ansley over the past few weeks. The ones in the dress and hat are the most recent.


chris anne said...

ok, so that last picture is too cute. those eyes!! she's a sweet pea!

Jenny said...

Sassy is right! You guys are in trouble with big, beautiful eyes like that on her. I can't wait to see her Saturday!