Thursday, February 28, 2008

Family Trip

Last weekend the kids and I went on a Forrest family reatreat. We got to spend some good time with our extended family. It was lots of fun. Ty loved being with his great-grandmother, better known as NaNa. He hardly let loose of her and aunt Karen. They had an indoor pool and Ansley had her first swimming experience! She seemed to like it. She wasn't scared at all. Here's a funny Ty story. After dinner on Saturday I gave him one of aunt Tammy's famous chocolate chip cookies. He looked at the rather large cookie and smiled really big. Then he pointed at a chocolate chunk, smiled at me and said "Bye Bye." Then he proceeded to take a bite right off of that spot. It was hilarious. Here are some pictures of the weekend. I wish I had gotten more of the rest of the family, but I only managed to get my roomies (which were awesome by the way).

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Looks like you all had a blast! Very funny Ty!!!!