Thursday, February 07, 2008


Well, it has been a long few weeks grieving the loss of Evette. I miss her so much. There have been times when I've wanted to call her just to ask her a question or talk and have been reminded that I no longer can. Everytime I see Jason I have to make an effort not to cry. After going through questions, doubts, anger, and sadness, I keep coming back to the same realization that although this tragedy doesn't make sense, my God is faithful. I have been overwhelmed by the ways he has so lovingly spoken straight to me and this struggle over the past few weeks. Through speakers, people close to me, the kindness of others, and mostly through His precious word He has assured me time and time again that He will never leave me or forsake me, and that He didn't leave Evette either. I actually have a renewed sense of faith in Him and in His children. I have watched as people have poured out themselves to do anything for Jason and the kids. I have seen the list on his refridgerator of who will be bringing meals everyday for the next month. He told me that they have to put a rubberband around his mail so he can carry it in. I wish that Evette were still here. I wish she was raising her children, but I know that she is with God. I've been taking a lot of comfort in the scripture that "Better is one day in Your house than a thousand elsewhere." Wow. Evette has already had 26 days there. I know I will grieve this loss for a long time and that it will trouble me for probably the rest of my life. I also know that God has shown me His faithfulness, and I will hold onto that for dear life. I want to remember the way He has lovingly and gently cared for me over the past few weeks and show that same care for Evette's family and everyone else in my life. The Lord is indeed close to the broken-hearted.


Blake and Steph said...

Tara, this post reminded me of a song a heard on WayFM the other day by "Seventh Day Slumber" called Every Saturday. It starts out saying that Saturdays would never be the same and this is the chorus:
I'm barely hanging on
With all these empty feelings
I'm hurting in so many ways
And though I can't begin
To understand the reason
I still believe that youre God.
You may have already heard it, but I thought I would share it with you because it has a great message. Hang in there and know there are lots of people praying!!

Jenny said...

I miss her too sister.