Friday, May 23, 2008

Bad Hair and Good Times

Well, I couldn't resist adding these pictures of my kids' unbelievable bedheads. These are real hairstyles that they rolled out of bed with. I love bed head. I also wanted to add a couple pics from the dinner we had in honor or our next nephew Benjamin Douglas Robichaud. We had a great time at a Girl's Night Out with Karen to Nero's grill followed by a viewing of the movie "Baby Mama" for a few of us. We can't wait to meet sweet Ben! There also a couple of bonus pics just for fun. We leave tomorrow for Charleston so I will update when we return! Oh, and please withhold judgement for the fact that my 2 1/2 year old has a pacifier unless you have 2 children 18 months apart or you have more children than me, in which case I will accept the ridicule openly:). Oh, and you can ridicule me for the fact that Ansley is chewing on Balmex because that is admittedly disgusting!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Best Present Ever!

Well, today is my birthday so naturally I took my children to have their pictures made. Okay, so that's not natural, but it's just how it worked out. However, I must say that the pictures were worth it. What a wonderful present to preserve these precious faces and times with these photos. Props to Portrait Innovations and to Mary Leigh for helping me manage the troops since Mom is out of town. Seriously, what would I do without Mom? Enjoy the photos, and feel free to make comments about how cute my kids are. Hey, it's my birthday I can be tacky!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Happy Birthday Ansley!!!

Last Thursday Ansley turned 1!!! It is so hard to believe that she has been with us for a year, and at the same time it is hard to remember life without her. She has brought so much joy and laughter to our lives. She is so full of life and so beautiful. She woke up on her birthday with a little fever and wasn't very happy. I thought it was just teething so we took Ty to his doctor appointment and then went to meet Daddy for lunch. I had to run to the doctor so Ty and Ansley went to work with Daddy for a while. Notice the pictures of Ansley and Daddy on the excavator and Ty and uncle John on it. So sorry I missed that! Well, by that afternoon Ansley had a fever of 101.7 and she pretty much cried until bedtime. Then we put her in bed and ate the cheesecake Brian picked up without her. What a sad birthday!!! We decided to pretend that Saturday was her birthday since that was when we were celebrating anyway.
On Saturday we had a cookout with our family to celebrate her birthday. It was lots of fun. She wasn't sure about it all, but once we gave her the cake she was happy as can be. She loved it! No surprise here since the girl loves her food in general. So funny that she eats so much and yet was in the 21st percentile for weight at her doctor's appointment yesterday! She really loved her presents too. Her mommy enjoyed opening the clothes a little more than she did! It was a great day. There are also some pictures of her riding in her big girl car seat for the first time. So cute. She went with me to pick up the cake and balloons for her first ride. I am so thankful for this little precious blessing in my life. I am looking forward to many more years with this sweet girl.