Sunday, July 06, 2008

Each Day is a Gift

I just wanted to take a minute to reflect on the events of this past week and the past few months. If there is anything that I have learned this year it is that each day is a precious gift not to be taken for granted. Those that you love can leave this world so quickly. After losing Evette in January life just didn't feel the same. I realized that I so often take for granted the people who I love and who mean so much to me. No one could have guessed that she would leave us so soon. I have to admit that some days this just produces more of a fear in me of losing people, but I am trying to channel that into a sincere appreciation for each moment with them instead. I still miss Evette terribly. Some days are harder than others. It seems that lately all of these random memories of her have been flooding back that I hadn't thought about since we lost her. Those are comforting and saddening at the same time. I want to snap my fingers and not be sad anymore, but I know that healing is a gradual process, and this will probably always be a point of sadness for me. At the same time, I rejoice that she is in a place where there is no sadness or pain. Next week will be 6 months since her death and also her birthday. Six months just doesn't heal the grief of someone you've loved for 20 years, but each day is a little better.
I was reminded again this week of how precious life is and not to take it for granted. Brian's sister, Karen, had a stroke on Thursday. She is 32 and in great health. She had a baby just a little over 2 weeks before. When Brian called me and said that she was in the hospital my heart sank and I felt sick. This could not be. We were all so scared and concerned, but immediately we started praying and so did many others. God protected Karen. His hand was on her through the entire thing. She had the stroke at the Pediatricians office rather than at home alone with her two young boys. She is doing great and will have no long term effects from the stroke. They found a hole in her heart that can be easily fixed. I have been praising God that He saved my precious sister-in-law from something potentially deadly. He still has so much for her to do here, and we can't imagine life without her.
So why did God protect Karen and take Evette? I don't know, but I'm thankful for His protection of Karen. I know in His infinite wisdom He has a plan that I can't possibly understand. Why did Karen have to have a stroke in the first place? I don't know, but maybe to protect her from something worse or most importantly so that God could be glorified in her life and the lives of others through this experience. Has God been glorified through Evette's death? Absolutely. No question. She would not have it any other way. I just want to remind myself and everyone else to hold your kids a little tighter and make time for the people you love no matter how "busy" you think you are. We are always told to "live every day like it's your last", but never have those words seemed more true to me. I will glorify God with all that I have each day because in life or death that is all that matters.

1 comment:

chris anne said...

wow! that was beautifully written, tara, and such an important lesson for us all. i am sad that your family has had to learn it the hard way, but maybe the rest of us can learn from your wisdom. thanks for sharing this with us.