Sunday, August 20, 2006

Highchair Therapy and Bathtime Fun!!!

On Friday we officially started "highchair therapy". Ty doesn't seem to want to eat any solid food (table food) even though we have been trying to introduce things for a while. He puts in his mouth, makes the most awful face, and spits it out or he chokes on it. He will eat puffs and wagon wheels (most of them end up soggy on the floor) and that is about it. It is becoming a problem because he wants to feed himself, so he is grabbing and hitting at the spoon when I feed him baby food and it is super frustrating. So I decided that I am going to start making him sit in his high chair for 30 minutes a day with food in front of him and see how much he will eat. At least he can play with it and get used to the idea. Friday went well. He ate some little pieces of bread, but wouldn't touch bananas or pineapple. This is my last ditch effort to retain my sanity during eating time for the next few months! If anyone has any better ideas please share! Friday night we celebrated Nana's birthday (39th of course) and then Ty and Micah got a bath from Grandy. They were so cute in the tub. Micah even tried to rub in Ty's shampoo for him. They are a rowdy crowd, but oh so cute!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

i love how dad's arm is conveniently covering an area of Micah's anatomy we wouldn't want posted on the internet!