Monday, October 29, 2007

Ty's 2nd Birthday Parties!!!

This weekend was a lot of fun. Although his actual birthday isn't until Thursday, we celebrated Ty's 2nd birthday this weekend. We had two birthday parties on Saturday. It was a full day! First we had a lunch time party at our house for Ty. It had a firetruck theme. We had family and a few of Ty's friends from church. There are 3 other kids who were born within a couple of months after Ty. He recognizes them and likes to play with them so we invited them to celebrate his birthday. We happen to like their parents too!!! It was a beautiful day outside so the kids played and ate out there. I was pretty happy about that. We sat all the kids down at the little plastic picnic table in the backyard with their pizza. Ty ate about 2 bites and got up to play football. Later we sat them down with cake at the table. I came out about 10 minutes later. All the other kids were up playing in the yard. Ty was sitting at the table, face covered with cake, eating everyone else's cake that they left behind. Oh dear, I think he has a bit of a sweet tooth! He was cute, and I think he had a good time. He didn't want to open his presents because he liked the first one so much! We got him to help me open them though, and he has been having a blast with them.
After that party, Ty took a nap. Then it was off to the Petty family cookout/hayride. Their are 4 boys on Brian's side of the family that have birthdays within about 5 days so we celebrated all of their birthdays. It was so fun and festive. We had hotdogs (well, I didn't) and smores and all things cookout. The hayride around Brian's grandmother's many acres was great. Ty loved it, except for when he got smacked by some low branches. The boys all pulled a tractor pinata for candy and got lots of presents. What a fun time for everyone. Thanks to Janet, for spear-heading the event and to Uncle Gary and Aunt Linda for letting us have it at their house. There are lots of pictures on this one I know, but it was hard to narrow them down.

1 comment:

April Kay said...

So much fun! It's fun to look at an event that we were finally at! :) Y'all had the busiest day on Saturday! I would have fallen into deep exhaustion after the first b-day party, but you went for round #2!! No wonder Brian wanted "down time" on Sunday! :) Glad we got to spend some time with y'all this weekend!